
Take a look at how supply work for the Sterling token in the Binance Smart Chain, and how Sterling tokens make you win!

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Supply: 10 x E24

Value: $0.01 USD

Contract: 0x4A8876D500c278fca54A3966F20BF304D7Cc8a63

Yield: Join us in a new community and project system. To better the planet.

Supply 10,000,000

Value 1.00  USD

They can be purchased from 50 units

Contract: 0x19B903451BddcD8Df71A324c5A8e7075F2847AF9

Yield: 9.25% per year


Sterling Two
Water Project

Supply 10,000,000

Value $1.00 USD

They can be purchased from 100 units)

Contract: 0x3D43528Cea014148F739aDf2E322a58832448A76

Yield: 9.25% per year (on utilities)


Sterling Three
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In Process


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